photo by Robert Muller
Abeo Design takes a user-centered approach to creative problem solving. The company partners with other experts to tailor services and scale to meet client needs. At our core we are a product development firm, but our expertise encompasses design in many forms: product design, brand building, innovation strategy and place-making. Abeo was founded by Dan Cuffaro, a designer, inventor and educator. He is a department Chair & the Anne Fluckey Lindseth Professor of Industrial Design at the Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) | College of Art & Design. He has championed curricular redesign, fostered internal & external partnerships, and led the effort to define the Design Studio in CIA’s unified campus. Additionally, Dan created the Design Center Course, where students work directly with clients on real-world projects. The course has resulted in over $1.5m in funding. Dan’s students have won dozens of design awards and work in top design studios around the world. Dan is a co-founder of nCamp (www.ncampgear.com), an outdoor goods brand launched in 2017. While his primary role is developing new products and management of brand touch points, he is involved in every aspect of the business. While the company is only five years old, nCamp has a growing product line and has sold over 40,000 items in 15 countries. Before launching Abeo & nCamp, Dan was the Director of Design at Altitude, Inc, an award-winning product development firm in Boston MA. In addition to managing the design team and product development projects, he led the process of creating the company’s state-of-the-art product development studio. Dan also worked as a consultant for Arthur D. Little (now TIAX llc), an international management & product development consulting firm in Cambridge MA. Dan’s clients have included Nike, Colgate-Palmolive, Symbol Technologies, Sunbeam, Baxter, Unilever and the Natick Army Research Lab. Dan acts as an expert witness in intellectual property cases, he has won several IDSA/IDEA awards, and holds over a dozen design and utility patents. He has written for Innovation Magazine and The Design Management Institute Journal, and co-authored the book ‘Process, Materials and Measurements.’ He has lectured in Mexico, China, The United Kingdom, and around the US. Abeo believes in designing products and experiences that have lasting value, promoting a sustainable future.
photo by Robert Muller